

(Centerpiece x UVM Christine)

By a World Champion Park Horse, out of a World Champion Mare, blood will tell!


  • AMHA 167328
  • f. 2005
  • 15.3 hands
  • Bay
  • Collection: $550
  • Mare care: $20/day
  • Semen transport or Live Cover
  • LFG
  • Owned by Creekside Morgans LLC
  • Neg. Coggins, Uterine Culture & Health Certificate required for Live Cover
  • Stallion Service Contract


Serenity Masterpiece

Serenity Grandmaster

Serenity Remember Me

Phaeton Hill Harmony

Betsy Lee's Major

Penn State Melody

UVM Christine

Hillock Showson

Waseeka's Showtime

Rum Brook Magic Miss

UVM Paradox

Courage Of Equinox

UVM Cindy

The designation of CH—so important to the show horse to accomplish and so defining to achieve. CH starts with DNA it can’t happen without it. DNA, however, trumps CH in the breeding shed. Brigantine never had CH opportunity, but no one told his DNA. There are many CH making up the unique pedigree; Centerpiece, Serenity Masterpiece, UVM Christine and Hillock Showson. All parents or grandparents. All wear the designation top and bottom.

With just a handful of foals, the NYSSA has seen five top five sired by Brigantine, including a unanimous winner in just the past five years. Add to that a Futurity champion. Offspring have only recently made performance debuts, each with a championship victory pass. A recent star at the prestigious New England Regional was Junior Champion Mare BRIGIT BARDOT, sired by Brigantine.

His own DNA is siring offspring that have a naturally upright carriage, who are tall and substantial with all the curves in all the right places. The athletic abilities of his get won’t disappoint. The finishing touch is the distinct face of beauty and expression gifted by his dam, World Champion Mare UVM Christine. Nearly all are distinctively in her likeness. Brig is really late to the game, so don’t wait to long.

Standing at

Kingfisher Creek

Katie Murray | 1640 County Rd. 43 | Clifton Springs, NY 14432
tel 585-766-0403